Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Amazon Terminator Drones, otherwise known as an “ATD”

Amazon Terminator Drones, otherwise known as an “ATD”

@Amazon @toysntec #Drones

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Most of us know that Amazon’s been working on delivery drones for sometime now and is even gotten certain regulations commercially past just to do so.  Amazons 55 pound monster drones can carry a payload up to 5 pounds. At a speed of 50 miles an hour and then the range of 10 miles from the nearest Amazon warehouse. So as long as you’re not within a 10 mile radius of a Amazon warehouses then you’re pretty much safe;  everybody else, good luck!

Ok, actually it’s more like “Terminating Drones”.  Amazon wants to create drones that have a feature to self-destruct if it were to malfunction while in flight.  It will first discard and release its payload, then attempt to fly an alternate route to self-destruct to a point of disintegration in order to prevent injury to persons or property below.  

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